Progressive Teaching and Learning
Progressive education has been a response to revolutionize how the teaching-learning process is done conventionally. Backed with the empirical modalities of learning by doing and meaningful application of concepts learned to real-life contexts, schools are overhauled to meet the demands of the ever-changing society.
With that, a progressive school must provide opportunities for learners to discover and experience learning on their own, making them the actual managers of their own pace of learning. When learners are given a chance to be at the lead in their learning course, they can discover and apply solutions to the problems they encountered along the way. This leads to the development of the innate tendency to self-regulate.
Though providing hands-on and real-life learning experiences for the learners are quite challenging, the ingenuity and creativity of teachers cannot be underestimated. Teachers are trained to improvise and localize instruction fitted to the needs of the learners. Though tailor-fitting the lessons to the individual needs of the learners are also posting quite a challenge for the teachers, by profiling and preparation for lessons and activities may augment the problem.
More so, learning activities should not be confined only to the four corners of the classroom nor the school in general. The community as a laboratory of learning must be utilized to the fullest to immerse the learners with actual knowledge that only through socialization can only be achieved. With proper guidance and supervision from the teachers, coupled with the coordination with the community officials, learners can be provided with holistic learning where they belong and will be serving in the future.
Such opportunities engaging the learners to both academic and civic activities made them develop accordingly as responsible citizens of the country. Every nation envisions its learners to actualize their full potentials so they can contribute meaningfully in (re)building the society. Hence, the development of progressive thinking among them posits a viable way to make effective education to happen.
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