5S of Housekeeping Applied in the Classroom
The 5S is an acronym for good housekeeping practices that describe the elimination of waste/clutter/rubbish in the workplace. It was derived from the Japanese words seiri (sort), seiton (set in order/segregate), seiso (shine/sanitize), seiketsu (standardize), and shitsuke (sustain/self-discipline). It is a useful tool to organize operations, especially in the workplace, for total quality management and continuous improvement. It can be effectively used in the works of the teachers, too, primarily in managing their respective classrooms. Seiri (Sort). The items in the workplace must be sorted out whether what must be kept and be disposed. The unnecessary things must be removed immediately. Seiton (Set in Order/Segregate). The items must be arranged for ease in using and locating when needed. In short, everything must be in-placed. Seiso (Shine/Sanitize). The items and the workplace itself need to be cleaned thoroughly from time-to-time. Cleanliness must be secured a...